
Early in Mark’s gospel, Jesus introduced the concept of evangelism by saying,

“Listen carefully to this. A farmer went out and sowed some seed…”

Jean-François_Millet_-_The Sower

At the end of His earthly existence, just before He ascended into heaven, Jesus clarified exactly what He expected of his disciples:

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”


Below are a few posts which make a case for one particular form of evangelism, strictly from a layman’s point of view.

Cultivating The Land

j0182665Here is my very short and completely oversimplified history of Christian evangelism, and where I think it should go.

Mixing Metaphors

j0182676This post continues to develop the farming metaphor.

A Cosmic Courtship


This post explains why we are glad to spread the gospel.

Political Baby Steps

babyanduniverseHere are some ideas concerning evangelism as political action.

The Power To Govern

ScanWhy it is so important to deliver a copy of the gospel to every single person on earth.


 If this is your first encounter with Jesus in the gospel, you would do well to look for a local church where you feel comfortable, and learn all you can from the pastor and the church’s ministry team.

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If the Kingdom of God is a garden, it's time to plant some more seeds.